Hi All PWFC Junior Members,
Our Junior grading/gala day will be held this Saturday 18 February 2017 at Olds Park.
All players need to wear football boots and shin pads to participate. Your child will not be covered by insurance if they are not paid in full. It is a requirement of PWFC that all children participating in our grading are financial. (If you have paid in the last 2 days leading up to Grading Day please bring your receipt) For those players who have not yet paid EFTPOS facilities will be available on the day.
Attendance by all teams & players is compulsory. We hope to get as much co-operation as possible as this will make it easier to allocate teams.
Please note that non-attendance (or not notifying Non-Comp Coordinator Paulo Soares on 0413 767 060), of your non-attendance before the event may result in your child or team not allocated a spot.
Under 6 & 7 Year Olds – Starting 8:30am
Under 8 Year Olds – Starting 9:45am
Under 9 Years Olds – Starting 10:45am
Under 10 Year Olds – Starting 11:45am
Under 11 & 12 Year Olds – Starting 12:45pm
Under 13 & 14 Year Olds – Starting 1:45pm
We look forward to seeing you all down there on Saturday and should any parents and/or RTO’s have any concerns or if there are any parents that would like assist in volunteering on the day we urge you to please contact our Non-Comp Co-ordinator, Paulo Soares.
Lastly, going forward, parents and RTO’s will need to download the free app Teamapp in order to receive all communication from club and about your child’s team. Instructions on how to join are on our website www.penshurstwestfc.com.au
See you there,
PWFC Committee