Tuesday August 16 at 7:00 pm
Penshurst West FC will hold their Annual General Meeting at Olds Park Sports Club
Would you like to:
Have fun?
Feel that you are giving back to the community?
Feel a sense of achievement?
Help your or your child’s football club?
Then why not join the PWFC committee!!!
The following positions will be declared vacant at the AGM meeting:
Vice President
Junior Registrar (U6-U17)
Senior Registrar (U18- O45’s)
Gear Steward
Ground Set-Up Controller
Canteen Manager
Web Site Administrator &/or Social Media Coordinator
Match Scores & Team Sheet Recording Officer
RTO Coordinator
Non-Comp Coordinator
Coaching Coordinator
Grading Committee- minimum of 3 representatives
Trial Game Coordinator
Child Protection Officer
Marketing & Promotions Officer
Social Event Co-Ordinator
General Assistants
Some roles do not require a huge commitment with regards to time.
Any player/parent & coach who becomes an active committee member may be eligible for a $100.00 discount on registration fees! **
Interested? Please email us on our Contact Us page, where a copy of the ‘Committee Members’ handbook will be sent to you, detailing job roles.